A complete line for environmental and surface biodecontamination with innovative HPE technology.

  • Zherox® 
  • Zherox® Light 
  • Zherox® Fixed System 
  • Zherox® b-pack 


A solution of hydrogen peroxide <8% is diffused through a nozzle, creating a mist of micro-drops which, passing through a high voltage electromagnetic field, undergo an ionization process. The resulting solution has a high concentration of hydroxyl radicals and reactive oxygen species (ROS) capable of damaging microorganisms through the oxidation of proteins, carbohydrates and lipids. The electromagnetic field imparts an electrostatic charge to the fog, which thus acts like a gas due to the mutual repulsive activity of the positive charges. The result is a high diffusion of the solution which is able to reach 100% of the treated area. Hydrogen peroxide decomposes into water and oxygen, thus avoiding the release of residues on surfaces.


The different systems can be used in the following applications: • pharmaceutical industry • research and laboratories • biotech • hospitals and healthcare • offices • transport


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