TLCM series is Senzani top-load solution to fill cartons from flat blank with products in a given configuration. The concept is mainly grounded on flexibility, strength and reliability, along with the use of modern and innovative technology. Thanks to this combination, Senzani machinery ranks amongst the most efficient and cutting edge on the market.

Being modular, TLCM cartoners adapt to the different types of products such as coffee capsules, doypacks, pouches, flowpacks, tubes and to various configurations in the carton.

To ensure high-speed production, Senzani’s specialization, the machinery relies on multiple transfer and filling stations, cartons formation and closing systems, all designed according to the specific product and its configuration in the single units.  All movements are simultaneous and the functions are easily programmable on the operator panel. Despite the range of Senzani solutions to match various applications is extremely wide, all machines have a trait in common: the great care devoted to products and cartons, to ensure integrity and compliance of the final package.

Quick and easy format change operations, Lexan protective barriers to allow visibility and access to all parts, compact and modern footprint, ergonomics: all these features are nowadays essential in the machinery production and the TLCM series combines them all.

Format change operations are made quick and easy thanks to the tool-free technology and the use of modern techniques to simplify the adjustments. A dedicated tutorial to guide the operator step by step is also available, in order to avoid errors and speed up the operation.

The selection of components aims at ensuring great reliability and durability. It also allows the machine adaptation to new formats, which may vary in time to meet the constantly evolving needs set by regulations, marketing, production.

The design phase focusses on the research for modern and innovative solutions also in terms of energy-efficiency, wear-resistance and top-quality components.

All machines are assembled and tested by specialised technicians before delivery, thus remarkably reducing the installation duration.

TLCM - Top-load cartoner from flat blanks

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