To meet the different demands arising from various market sectors, Senzani offers a wide range of palletisers. These solutions can be either completely integrated in the secondary packaging equipment working at reduced speed (6 cases/min) or stand-alone palletising systems working at higher speed (infeed from more lines at 36 cases/min).

Senzani palletisers combine the layout customisation possibilities and a high degree of efficiency, reliability and product integrity, ensuring the complete equipment safety.

Depending on the project requirements, Senzani provides anthropomorphic robots of different brands, Cartesian robots or portal versions. The picking head, designed by Senzani, handles the products in a delicate and firm way. All solutions can be integrated with pallet or interlayer sheet magazines.

Senzani automatic palletisation systems are designed to handle cases containing different types of products and having a range of weights and dimensions, always with extreme care, at high speed and with great precision in the pallet set-up.

Senzani designs the grippers and picking heads, which are always custom-tailored, fitting all dynamic conditions to ensure product integrity.

With an eye towards clean design, some solutions handle the cases without the pallet base, to prevent product contamination or to favour the storage in container. The Customer is in this case free to complete the process in the warehouse, inserting for example a special pallet depending on the final customer’s preferences.


All solutions are totally customised, tailored to meet the market sector and the Customer’s requirements and space saving as well. Senzani ensures a total integration with the upstream lines, allowing the product flow and traceability. The systems are also integrated with automatic guided vehicles LGV/AGV for both raw materials supply (empty pallets, interlayer sheets) and full pallets. This is true in terms of hardware, with the installation of roller or chain conveyors, and in terms of software, thanks to the tracing and production management systems (MES).

All Senzani palletisation systems can be fitted with third parties’ additional supplies, as:

  • stretch wrappers
  • rotating tables
  • marking and track&trace systems
  • AGV and LGV

The HMI interface is intuitive and innovative and allows for the creation of pallet layouts and data recording in a formats->Customer database. The gripper format change is tool-free.

PAL - Palletiser

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