Contributing to the fight against Covid-19
PHCbi freezers play a key role in the storage of the COVID-19 vaccines at Pfizer’s factory in Puurs, Belgium
As part of the PHC Group we are one of the world’s most important producers and suppliers of high-quality laboratory equipment, we contribute to advancing life science. We serve a broad and growing spectrum of life science facilities. Our products are used by researchers and other professionals in pharmaceutical, biotechnology, healthcare fields, industrial and transport market.
PHCbi freezers play a key role in the storage of the COVID-19 vaccines at Pfizer’s factory in Puurs, Belgium
Ultra-low freezer -86C VIP ECO MDF-DU702VH
Refrigerators, chillers and freezers (equipment and supplies)
Ultra Low Temperature Freezer -86°C TwinGuard MDF-DU702VX-PE
Refrigerators, chillers and freezers (equipment and supplies)