SBNE series is Senzani’s solution for the tobacco sector, for cigarette bundles and similar products case packing or display packing.

Over the last decades, Senzani has put the R&D and Engineering departments at the service of the tobacco leading corporations. Such cooperation led to the production of a machine which perfectly meets the demands and abides by the extremely strict standards of the sector in terms of quality, reliability and traceability. SBNE series perfectly matches the layout-related requirements, the machine integration is in fact simple and quick, even when its installation is necessary in existing production plants.

The compact footprint, an essential feature for the equipment meant for this sector, is another great asset of this series. SBNE is a space-saving solution, which can integrate a vertical elevator to transfer the ready cases to the outfeed area at height.

In the product build-up and case configuration preparation, the greatest care is devoted to the single units integrity, to prevent all possible damage to the product shape or graphics. When necessary, Senzani integrates product rotation or tilting systems to always meet the demand for flexibility and adaptability to all configuration types.

A dedicated station fitted with a vertical rising movement forms the product stacking, while a pusher takes care of the case filling. The pusher is servo-assisted and fitted with a pneumatic device to favour the product insertion in the case, avoiding stumbling blocks.
The case magazine, either vertical or horizontal, is composed of 2 independent stations to allow the continuous loading even while the machine is running, ensuring safety and efficiency.
Format change operations are made quick and easy thanks to the tool-free technology and the use of modern techniques to simplify the adjustments. The programs selection goes through an extremely intuitive operator interface and a dedicated tutorial to guide the operator step by step is also available, in order to avoid errors.

The selection of components aims at ensuring great reliability all along the machine lifecycle.

The design phase focusses on the research for modern and innovative solutions also in terms of energy-efficiency, wear-resistance and top-quality components.

All machines are assembled and tested by specialised technicians before delivery, thus remarkably reducing the installation duration.

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