Products Ipack-Ima e Pharmintech

Product categories
Business Communities
  • Beauty & Personal Care
  • Beauty & Personal Care
  • Chemicals & Home Care
  • Chemicals & Home Care
  • Food, Fresh & Convenience
  • Food, Fresh & Convenience
  • Industrial & Durable Goods
  • Industrial & Durable Goods
  • Liquid Food & Beverage
  • Liquid Food & Beverage
  • Pasta, Bakery & Milling
  • Pasta, Bakery & Milling
  • Pharma & Nutritional
  • Pharma & Nutritional
  • Sweets, Confectionary & Snacks
  • Sweets, Confectionary & Snacks

SBNE - High-rise case packer

Casepacking - forming, filling, closing machines of cardboard boxes

CPSL - Side-load case packer

Casepacking - forming, filling, closing machines of cardboard boxes


Casepacking - forming, filling, closing machines of cardboard boxes

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